Sunday, April 7, 2013

Salida Rápida (Quick Exit, Non-Fuego)

As you know "Randy", is I am affectionately called, is usually on the Latin scene. Unfortunately I'm going to have to take a little hiatus until I figure out what TF to do about a little situation.

Wanna know what happened??? Of course you do....

Well...I went to two Latin spots and I ran into a guy I met on the scene that I haven't seen in awhile. I only know him as Keith, a Colombian man in his late 30's. He has a very strong accent and also looks much older than his age. I guess you could say he looks like a poor man's Ray Romano. He's always very social and it seems like his goal is to buy me as many drinks as possible and talk my head off.

He doesn't really like to dance. Sometimes he comes with a friend that's a pretty good dancer and I dance with him too. He always says "I'm not a dancer, I'm an engineer". I usually state "What does THAT have to do with anything?" AND of course he replies back with his rebuttal... Not in a mean spirited away though. Usually when we dance he's constantly spinning me, while holding a drink in the other hand. If he could he would probably hold a cigarette in that same hand...SMH. By the way I really dislike smoking but he's fun so I usually go outside with him for him to take a smoke. I tend to risk my lung health for people that interest me. Maybe one day I'll get a medal for it who knows...

Since we were at a cigar bar, we went to the side where guests smoke . We sat down and chatted as usual. Even though the act and smell of smoking grosses me out, I could smell his cologne through the "smokescreen" and it smelled really nice. This night he had his cigarettes on the table. He said he just bought the box the day before. Dayum regular Marlboros! I noticed half of them were gone. I told him that I really don't like smoking and he should probably quit. He said he can quit anytime. I took his box of cigarettes from him and ask if I could throw them in the garbage and he said "Okay, I quit for you". I took the remaining cigarettes and tore them in half, put them back in the box and threw 'em in the garbage can. That was easy....

We left out afterwards. We were in the parking lot . He was like "Let's hang out some more; I can get a room or you can come to my place." I said let's get a room" (because the likelihood of getting kill't is significantly lower...You know, in case he wanted to murder a b*tch lol). I don't know, I figured maybe we could chill... At 2 a.m. in the morning... I have just only chilled in a hotel room before... I can see y'all right now,  rolling your eyes while you're reading this. SMH!

We talked for awhile and then we wound up having sex. I wasn't drunk or anything so I knew exactly what I was doing. I was conducting an experiment. I wanted to try a Hispanic man out. I didn't like this one..NOT fuego at all.I wouldn't say that ruined it for any other Hispanic guys since this particular experience was not appealing to me. I think it's because he's older lookin' and he was smallish... I know the saying goes "It's not the size of the ship, it's the motion of the ocean", but dammit, a little dinghy can capsize like an MF. I really don't like to waste my "stuff". Maybe next time I'll aim higher, for a Mario Lopez lookin', more endowed type and hope for the best close out my Experiment Files. Damn, does that sound shallow!? SMH

Sorry, I know I went out of order so let me backtrack to the "Walk of Shame" Morning After, uhhh incident...

I woke up feeling awkward as hell and felt that I needed to just get out of there. I could hear him snoring loudly so I figured he was in deep REM sleep. At this moment I felt like David Copperfield because I had do a serious magic trick on his ass! I summoned my Inner Magician to get out of the bed, grab my things quickly and quietly to make a mad dash for the door without waking him. Check out time was quickly approaching... Oh man, I had to haul major ass!! I grabbed my shoes, purse, glasses and clothing however couldn't find my underwear, so I crossed my fingers and hoped that he wouldn't do anything crazy with them. I quietly walked toward the door and I looked in my purse to make sure I had my keys. I was able to get dressed while I "hid" in the area where the bathroom was. I quickly reached over, removed the safety latch and unlocked the deadbolt. I opened the door and hauled ass as quickly as I could in five inch platform Madden peep toe pumps! I knew the sound of the door woke him. I went straight to the elevator and did not look back. I got in my car and I hauled the most major level of ass-hauling I've ever the done in my life!

I could  still smell his cologne and smoke in my hair and on me. I could not wait to take a shower!! I knew I left my draws but I didn't realize until I got a text from him at around noon that I forgot my charger also. I guess he didn't find my draws, eh? I never responded to that text nor the one he sent to check up on me, asking "Are you good?". He also called too. I utilized my Magical Call Ignoring Powers. I guess he's holding onto the charger for me. Don't worry Buddy because I'm not going to try to link up with you to get my charger; I'm trying to avoid you! Not your fault you did nothing wrong...Sometimes you just gotta go... So now I'll be in hiatus mode. Now that I know which two spots he could be, I'll just avoid them for a little bit. If I see him I'll judge his demeanor and if he wants to speak I'll speak and be "normal". If he acts weird, I'll just will ignore him. He seems to be a mature guy so I'm assuming that he will at least say "Hello" when he sees me...The LAST thing I wanted was for something to go down that would affect my being in the Latin Scene. Oh well, so much for that!! Time will tell...

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